Moderustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane Fireplaces 909 989 6129


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1/4" Super Black Reflective.

ID code: 1/4" Super Black Reflective.




1/4" Black Reflective


1/4 Black Reflective

1/4 Black Reflective

1/4 Black Reflective

14 graylite ref 2

14 graylite ref 1


graylite ref 300

graylite ref 1 300

graylite ref 2 300

The fireplace below has Black and Black Reflective installed



The pictures below are of a Starfire base with Black Reflective on top.

john 4

john 5

john 6

The custom fireplace below has a star burner and a very nice star opening

star 8

star 10

star 11

star 9

From the start......

star 1

star 2

star 3

star 4

star 5

to the finish

star 6

star 7

Very modern. The fireplace above has Gray, Gray Reflective, Black, and Black Reflective

The indoor fire table below has:

Bronze, Black, Emerald Green, Reflective Green, Black Reflective and Gold

The fireplace below has: Bronze and Reflective, Black and Reflective and Amber

The fireplace below has a base of Black and Black Reflective with Fire Stones on top.

The fireplace below has Black, Black Reflective and ICE on top


The fireplace below belongs to Ross Barnett in Florida. This was a ventless propane installation. Ross built a front wave design and we built a special wedge pan with the controls underneath. This is a remote control ventless burner. Great job Ross! The glass that was uses was:
Black and Black Reflective
Gray and Gray Reflective
Aquamarine Topper
Copper Blue Topper
Light Blue Tubes
Cobalt Blue Topper
Pale Cobalt Blue Topper
and here are the before and after pictures.
ross 12
ross 11
Above is before the wave
and below is the wave before out ventless burner was installed.
ross 10
ross 9
ross 5
ross 8
ross 7
ross 6
ross 3
ross 2
What makes us different from anyone else is that we allow you to exercise your imagination. If you see it, dream it, draw it, imagine it we can build it for you. Ross saw what we did for other customers and he came up with this very cool design for us to build for his family room, thanks Ross!
ross 1


The fire pit below was designed and built by Jeffrey Stoutenborough in Santa Barbara, California.
He started with a Bronze base,
Bronze Reflective on top,
Black Reflective,
Ice Ice Ice. 
Dark Red Orange and
Blue Green and a few large rocks left in place.
j 1
j 2
j 3


The fire pit below has a Black base with Black Reflective on top.Not too great of a fire pit picture but you get the idea. Even with Black as a base glass you will only see the color of glass   under the fire. The flames don't change color nor does the glass, but the glass is what will reflect the light at night.
rw 1


The fireplace below was assembled by Nadine in Dallas Texas (Elegant Reflections USA) Great job on the skull! The base glass is Starfire and Black base makes up the skull. She also used Clear Diamonds and Clear Crystals from our Toppers.
skull 3
skull 2
You can see the Diamonds and Crystals around the outer edge for accents.
skull 1

 909 989 6129

9467 9th street Unit D

Rancho Cucamonga, California 91730

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Moderustic Aquatic Glassel Fireplace Glass Rocks Propane Fireplaces