The Vesta Awards were created by Hearth & Home magazine to recognize and honor companies for their innovation in product design and/or technology.
Awards will be presented at an industry-wide ceremony on Friday, February 29, 2008.
The reception and awards program will take place from 5:00-6:30 pm. at the Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA.
More details here:
The fire pit below is a new product line from TC, one of our newest dealers. These come with a fibre optics feature, fire and water feature included.The glass that was use was a clear base with Ice Ice Ice and a splash of dark red orange topper, copper ruby red topper and several diamonds through out for a pretty nice look. We will have pricing on these as soon as we start to distribute their newer products.
The fire table below is at the Ivy Hotel downtown San Diego. There was an 8' fire pit installed there as well by one of our dealers on top of the Ivy Hotel. If your ever down to San Diego you must visit the Ivy Hotel. www.IvyHotel.com
Below are the pictures of our fire table and the new fire pit being installed on the 7th floor. Cesar did a great job!
This is the burner we built for this fire pit:
The burner below is installed in San Diego California. This is a 4 burner stainless steel custom. It is turned on by 4 valves and measures 72" across which is in an 84" fire pit. We will post pictures of the finished project when we finish it.
We will show you all four burners burning and we will also have the pictures and location for you of the finished project as soon as we can. As we have said before, there is nothing we can't do or build!
The fire pit below has an electronic ignition and clear glass installed. This is next to the San Diego Stadium Downtown San Diego at the "Legends" Again this was installed by Cesar, one of our dealers in San Diego.
The fire pit below was built and installed with clear base glass. Again by Cesar in San Diego.
The fireplace below has a starfire base with olive green topper on the surface. They placed 52 lbs of topper on the bed of starfire
The fountain below was converted to a fire pit with black magic. We use a several hundred pounds of lava rock then topped it with crushed lava rock to keep the materials from falling through. After we placed the black magic on the lava rock Craig topped it with clear pyrite (clear with sterling silver coating) clear diamonds, black, black reflective and now he has one cool fire feature. We will show you from beginning to end.
Here you can see the lightly coated black magic with our glass for accents and sparkle.
Here you can see the diamonds. When you see the diamonds in the fire they appear to be melting but actually they are only reflecting inside which looks like they are meting. They are made from crystal.
And with everything just right you have the black magic look!
Nice Flames!
The fire pit below has bronze rust copper and a hint of bronze added